Sunday, May 17, 2009

2007 June News Letter

It hardly seems possible that some of the events we were so looking forward to are now already history! We arrived safely in the USA on schedule, April 1st, starting our furlough. Pat Michael (Rhonda’s father-in-law) was able to find a Honda Civic hybrid on E-bay for us. It is a 2003 and only had 36,000 miles on it. So far it is getting us around the country at an average of 43 miles per gallon! With fuel prices at over $3.00 a gallon we are very glad to be driving it! Our plans are to continue to travel around the US & Canada (including a trip to Alaska by plane) and return to Swaziland on August 10th. Pat will then sell our car. Hopefully, it will sell quickly and we’ll be no worse for owning it. We are so thankful to Pat for all the help he has been to us. My brother, Joel, has also helped to provide a place to stay as we zip in and out of his home. Many of you who we have visited have also helped us on our way and we are so thankful to you all!!
Peter’s graduation was an event we wouldn’t have wanted to miss! We were proud to see him pick up his diploma in Computer Science Engineering. Also, we were very happy to see him start his first full-time job in his field of study, right there at LeTourneau University, where he had been working part time. It is a wonderful opportunity for him. He moved out of the dorms about a year ago, so was all set to go, graduating on Saturday and starting his new job on Monday. He seemed to have enough computer items in his apartment, so for a graduation gift, we bought him Ukitchen things to develop his culinary arts! He claims to enjoy cooking and not eating out too much…that should help his budget and keep him in better shape!

We also had the pleasure of being with our daughter Rhonda, and her husband, Scott from time to time, as well as Debbie’s mother and my parents. Rhonda was able to join us for Peter’s graduation, while Scott was in Germany on his research project. We look forward to a big family reunion in Virginia in July with the immediate Blosser family and then a time of celebration for Debbie’s mother, who is turning 90 in August. If you are in the area, we arehaving an open house on Sunday, August 5th from 2 – 4 pm at the Woodcrest Nursing Home in Decatur, IN. If you aren’t able to come but would like to send a card, her address is: Ruth Rupp, c/o Woodcrest Nursing Home, PO Box 421, Decatur, IN, 46733.

The new Benin transmitter project continues to progress, but at a slower pace than we had expected. The transmitter has left the factory in Canada and should be on a ship headed to Benin soon. We stopped by the Kintronics factory and saw the boxes which are ready to be shipped to TWR Cary, containing the antenna tuning parts which will connect the transmitter to the tower. We also got word that the Paul Cox family has arrived in Benin. Please continue to pray that the equipment will arrive soon and the station will go on the air in the next few months.

Some of you have mentioned that you could not see the water coming out of the tower leg in our last letter. Here is another picture which will solve the mystery. I told you, you had to look carefully!
Your friends on furlough from Swaziland,

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